Between the tiny Newborn stage and Baby's 1st birthday - are milestones you don't want to forget.

The first time baby smiles up and coos up at you - slowly crawling towards their favorite toy, or how they start exploring the world around them- every moment is a new experience. 

Baby sessions can be anytime between 3-9 months old. 

I recommend these 3 ages:

3-4 months, 6-7 months, and 8-9 months old. 

You'll notice so many changes in expressions, ability, and growth during these months! 

So do I need to bring an outfit?

You *can* - if baby is in the 0-3 and 3 month size range - but other than that, I have a collection of beautiful dresses and bows or handsome outfits for your little one to wear for photos when you arrive.

(and I'm always adding new favorites to my Client Closet!)

Book your Session

Fill out this form and I will send over a detailed list with my session packages.